Peter Goossens
This interview with Peter Goossens was recorded when he was running
the kitchen of the Hof van Cleve restaurant in Kruishoutem.
A meal at Hof van Cleve must be a celebration; both the food and the general experience. “Our team does its utmost to give all our guests a good feeling every day. We aim for perfection on your plate. With this approach, we cannot say ‘today isn’t our best effort’. People expect an unforgettable experience and we strive to provide that, each and every time.”
The unique taste of our regional products
Ode to Flemish cooking
The seasons determine the rhythm of Goossens’ cooking. “We’re just about done with game now and looking forward to spring’s first lamb. That will be especially magnificent in combination with tender fresh peas. We also have some classics that we serve all year round. One of our specialties is grilled turbot with lobster or oyster bearnaise.” Although everything that is served at Hof van Cleve delights the eye, Goossens is clear about his priorities. “I’m no florist, I won’t ever add flowers to a plate that don’t add anything to the flavour. Visual considerations must never dominate.” Another important aspect of his philosophy is respect for local cuisine. “There’s no need for us to mimic Spanish or Scandinavian cooking, our own rich food culture already offers plenty of inspiration. For example, in Spain they eat tapas because they are used to taking siestas. In the north, there is a lot of canning and preserving to make it through the long winters. We must look for our own context and individuality. Think of our beer-flavoured stews, eel with green herbs and chicken vol-au-vents; let us take pride in these wonderful dishes.”
Goossens’ influence reaches beyond the doors of his restaurant. “I’m proud to have had the opportunity to train the next generation of chefs. They all follow their own paths, but are also all dedicated to flavour. I’m happy to have passed that on. In the end that’s what it’s all about, after all.”